A downloadable game

A game made for the  Blackthornprod Game jam in a 7 day period.


A hero born to help a village lives nearby and peoiple come and ask for his help when needed but is that what the hero himself needs or wants?

All that hero cares about is sleeping and making sure that villagers aren't too attached to him and can stand on their own feet.

But villagers don't seem to care about anything except their own needs and with the power of the hero they manage to disturb the balance of nature.


A & D - to move left and right

Right Mouse Button - Block

Left Mouse Button - Attack


Thanks to the eeemie from reddit for letting me use part of a pixel art as my background.

You can check out the full master piece here:https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/9qhd6p/october_25/?st=JNLMNVFB&sh=29a...

and lastly the Hero character and the Enemy Skeletons are from the Unity Assetstroe Hero Knight Package(Although the scripts from the package have been heavily modified and are not the same).

All the other pixel art are done by my self.

Tools used in the making of the game for those who wonder:

Photoshop (Pixel art), Bfxr(sound effects), Visual Studio(Scripts), Unity Engine(Engine)

Thanks for checking out the game :)


Fame.rar 16 MB

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